sass Customizing Bootstrap using default Bootstrap variables

October 2, 202012:15 pm

Your best path can depend on your project, the complexity of your build tools, the version of Bootstrap you’re using, browser support, and more. CSS variables Use Bootstrap’s CSS custom properties for fast and forward-looking design and development. Components Learn how we build nearly all our components responsively and with base and modifier classes. Sass Utilize our source Sass files to take advantage of variables, maps, mixins, and functions.

If you already know how to use Sass, this should be relatively easy. If you’re new to Sass, I’ll tell you where to put the files, what code to edit, and what Sass commands to use. You can extend existing Bootstrap classes to create new custom classes. For example, here is a new .row-dark class that extends the Bootstrap .row class, and then adds a background-color and color. Notice how these customizations are placed after the @import bootstrap.css.

  • So ensure Sass is installed and ready to go on your computer.
  • You have two essential options when it comes to adding custom style to Bootstrap.
  • Once we can do these, it will become easy to do other customizations.
  • The popular CSS framework supplies a responsive grid system, pre-styled components and JavaScript plugins to a parade of websites.
  • By putting all the Bootstrap overrides in a separatecustom.css it’s much easier to keep track of changes and revert back to default the Bootstrap styles if necessary.

Don’t forget to check the includePaths if your @imports fail. For a full list of variables you can override, see the variables.scss file. If you prefer not to work directly with the SASS source and compilers there are tools available that make the SASS customization process easier. is a Bootstrap theme builder that provides a simple Web-based UI to make the changes and generates the custom.scss and custom.css for download.

There various reasons to customize Bootstrap. You may want to:

Bootstrap contains a file called “_variables.scss” which holds hundreds of different values you can change. These variables define things like the amount of columns you can use, the widths of your viewports, the colors of your buttons, and much more. You’ll likely want to change these settings, so the Bootstrap components match the color scheme of your website. So, how do we change our link color for our custom theme? We could just assign the$link-colorvariable a new value by typing it here in the _variable.scss file.

You can also refer to other tutorials on freeCodeCamp, like this one on how to use Sass with CSS, or this video course on how to use Sass with Bootstrap 5. Sass is compiled down to CSS before it’s used on web pages. But for larger projects, this can be time-consuming and there may be a lot of redundant style declarations. Define common padding and border radius sizes and more. Values based on 14px text and 1.428 line-height (~20px to start).

Whatever the reason is, there are 2 ways to customize Bootstrap. I will start with the easier, less robust method using CSS, and then explain the more advanced method using SASS. The good news is there’s a way to make changes without editing the Bootstrap source code. For each of Bootstrap’s buttons, define text, background and border color. Choose which Less files to compile into your custom build of Bootstrap. Read through the CSS and Components pages in the docs.

The blue color is coming from Bootstrap’s primary color variable. The greyish color behind the read more button is coming from bootstrap’s secondary color. We can easily customize these, and it will change the colors in many different areas of the site that use Bootstrap. Our new main theme file, ‘custom.scss’, was created in the bootstrap_theme folder. All of our custom variables and CSS rules will be added to this sheet. I invite you to explore these themes 😲 created using the SASS customization method described earlier.

JavaScript components

The SASS is automatically generated by The SASS input is sent to a server-side SASS processor, which outputs the custom CSS theme. Choose from “Headings” to override only the headings , or “Base” to override all fonts. IMO, using NPM and Node is the easiest way to set-up a SASS compiler. When making customizations, you need to understand CSS Specificity. Also, there is a Live Sass Compiler VS Code extension with over 2 million installs.

customizing bootstrap

SASS must be compiled into CSS to be “understood” by a Web browser. Since we have Node.js installed, I’m going to use the npm version. While we cannot go into details here on how to use every package manager, we can give some guidance on using Bootstrap with your own Sass compiler. Options Customize Bootstrap with built-in variables to easily toggle global CSS preferences.

You have two essential options when it comes to adding custom style to Bootstrap. In this guide, I’ll be focusing on modifying a copy of Bootstrap, so the variables may be easily edited. The alternative is to just override the bootstrap classes individually after you load the default version of bootstrap into your template. This can create some excessive unused CSS code, but may be more maintainable in the long run. For example, you could import bootstrap from root/media/vendor, then individually override the colors of links and primary button classes, if you wanted to.

SCSS / SASS Folder Structure

Learn how to theme, customize, and extend Bootstrap with Sass, a boatload of global options, an expansive color system, and more. Download the files the instructor uses to teach the course. Follow along and learn by watching, listening and practicing. Bootstrap 5 Typography Customizing headings is used to customize the heading without using HTML tags and CSS classes. By keeping the changes separate, you can easily upgrade to newer versions of Bootstrap.

Save the CSS output as a .css file such as `theme.css`. To keep the theme file separate and smaller in size, the Bootstrap grid classes are not included in the CSS output. This means you’ll need to reference the Bootstrap CSS IT Consulting Hourly Rates in 2022 By Country, Industry and Specialization as usual, and then reference the generated custom `theme.css` after the `bootstrap.css` in the HTML. This allows the `theme.css` to override the `bootstrap.css` with the appropriate classes as defined in the custom theme.

Unit-less line-height for use in components like buttons. For those who want to use the distribution files, review the getting started page for how to include those files and an example HTML page. From there, consult the docs for the layout, components, and behaviors you’d like to use. Here are additional tips and techniques that you might find helpful when customizing Bootstrap. In the less directory, you’ll find a bunch of LESS files labelled by component. Using a generator simplifies the logistics of custom-building Bootstrap.

customizing bootstrap

Once we can do these, it will become easy to do other customizations. In this tutorial, we are going to use the SCSS version. Whatever the style is, indented Sass or CSS-like SCSS, the Sass compiler will transpile it to vanilla CSS to be used on the browser.

Bootstrap Buttons: Classes & Styles Explained

If you want you can use this article as a practical tutorial, just open Pinegrow (download the trial version, if you don’t have it yet) and follow along. I posted a minimal example but there is no minimal example solution in the linked question. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. If you’re done, stop the dev server and start the build mode. The variable names are self-explanatory, and the more relevant ones are displayed first.

For instance, the sources for all of my themes are available on GitHub. After you’ve made some changes and are ready to view them, you’ll want to compile to CSS. You have a number of options; for starters, I’d suggest a client such as It imports all of the others and is the one you’ll ultimately compile.

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